Moonstone, softness and power

Today, Gemraude is talking to you about one of these favorite stones, Moonstone .

Poetic, soft and delicate, moonstone also gives off great power.

Discover the benefits of moonstone and the answers to the questions that haunt us about this enigmatic crystal.

Where is moonstone found?

Moonstone is found mainly in Mexico, Austria, the United States and Sri Lanka.

To obtain moonstone, as a gem or mounted in jewelry, many French stores distribute it.

What is the origin of moonstone?

According to history, moonstone was the stone of goddesses in ancient times. It was held in great fascination, believing that this magical stone came to life thanks to the rays of the moon.

It takes its name from its resemblance to this star with pearly, blue reflections.

In India, it is a sacred stone that represents love. It is even said that lovers see their future in this moon crystal.

What colors is moonstone?

Moonstone is mostly white, even translucent. It has beautiful blue reflections that resemble the moon in its last quarter, called adularescence. It can be opaque or transparent.

But moonstone is also characterized by its other colors.

Brown moonstone, for example, has orange and yellow reflections depending on its orientation to the light.

It is also very pretty in pink tones, varying between powder pink and old pink.

We can also find yellow or gray moonstones, not to be confused with Labradorite stone, which also has very beautiful blue reflections.

How to recognize a real moonstone?

Unfortunately, we are not immune to coming across fake stones. Especially since our shopping habits are changing and we are increasingly moving towards online purchases.

To recognize a real moonstone, touch is the first step. Moonstone is initially cold and heavy. Then, by observing it, we can see its reflections, its adularescence by handling it slowly under a light source. It also has small streaks inside, like multiple ramifications.

Final step: the flame. Pass your stone under a candle or lighter flame. If your stone is real, it will not move.

Be careful not to burn yourself!

How to purify your moonstone?

To purify your stone, the ideal is to immerse it in distilled water (when it is not mounted in jewelry) for a few hours. Your moonstone will thus be free of all energy and will be ready to accompany you in your daily life.

You can also cover your stone in coarse salt for several hours. Your stone will be purified, you will only have to wipe it with a clean cloth to remove the salt residue. Who better than coarse salt to purify your stone?

Last option: fumigation. Incense is a powerful air purifier but also very effective for purifying your stones. You will then just need to pass your stone for a few minutes in the smoke that your incense will disperse.

How do I recharge my moonstone?

To recharge your moonstone, what could be more obvious than the moon?

And yes, the moon emits powerful rays, especially when it is full. Place your stone on a windowsill, exposed to the moon's rays or on your balcony. The best time to recharge your stones is on a full moon evening.

Be careful not to forget your stone in the sun, the moonstone will feel attacked by its strong rays.

Why wear moonstone?

First of all for its magical powers.

In lithotherapy, moon crystal has multiple powers.

Lithotherapy is based on the idea that stones emit vibrations that can interact with the human energy field. It is based on a belief: the power of stones on our body and mind. It is not a substitute for conventional medical treatment.

Also, moonstone is of indescribable beauty: pure and strong at the same time. As you will have understood, moon crystal is our favorite at Gemraude!

It goes perfectly with all styles of outfits: chic, casual, modern, relaxed...

What are the mental benefits of moonstone?

Moonstone is the stone of femininity par excellence. It allows you to express your femininity and to fully assume it. This gives the woman who wears it great self-confidence, especially in her power of seduction and also in her relationship.

Moonstone helps to connect to one's feminine intuition. It helps to curb one's fears on a daily basis.

Also, the power of moonstone acts on creativity and decision-making.

Moon crystal is perfect for new beginnings or times of change. It accompanies us to give us strength and courage.

Finally, on the mental level, moonstone increases sensitivity and empathy.

What are the properties of moonstone on a physical level?

We come to the most powerful power of moonstone: fertility.

According to beliefs, moonstone helps to harmonize hormonal secretions and menstrual cycles. This stone would help women to address the problem of sterility. It would help couples who want to start a family to overcome their difficulties at this crucial time in their lives.

Moonstone is the ideal stone to accompany pregnant women for harmony during their pregnancy, until their delivery.

Partly linked to the sacred chakra, located in the lower abdomen, moonstone helps to soothe period pain and thus allow you to experience your menstrual periods more peacefully.

Also, a true stone for women, moonstone helps to alleviate the effects of menopause on a physical level. It also alleviates pain related to the lower abdomen, digestive problems, thyroid, kidneys and bladder.

What are the spiritual powers of moonstone?

What chakras is moonstone connected to?

Moonstone emits white energy.

First, moonstone is linked to the third eye chakra, it accompanies you on the path of spiritual awakening and helps you develop your clairvoyance. By wearing moonstone, parasitic thoughts would dissipate, calm would settle in, and your mind would access a whole new level of spiritual consciousness. By opening your third eye chakra, moonstone would allow you to be more attentive to your intuition. It would improve your ability to feel and perceive things. It would increase your sensitivity, your creativity and your inspiration.

Moonstone also works on the sacral chakra. Located above the navel, this chakra is linked to emotions and sexual energy. When open and balanced, this chakra is said to stimulate libido and fertility.
The creative energy delivered by this chakra would help you undertake without fear. Whether it is a child or a professional project, all your new ideas are easier to implement when the sacred chakra is harmonized. As a stone of moderation, moonstone encourages forgiveness, tolerance, kindness, but also acceptance of oneself and others. By acting on the third eye chakra and the sacred chakra, moonstone helps you live in a more zen and relaxed way. Moonstone is a feminine, soft and delicate stone.

Also, moonstone helps with meditation and better relaxation.

How to wear moonstone?

Moonstone can accompany you in many forms.

First in its simple device: the moon gem to carry in your pocket or close to you.

Mounted in a bracelet, the moonstone is effective even in the form of moon beads. A single bead can diffuse its benefits.

Worn on your right or left hand, the moonstone will be close to your lower abdomen. In case of need in terms of fertility, digestion, bladder... at any time of the day, you can place your wrist at the level of your belly.

Also, you will have understood, at Gemraude we love this magnificent stone, which we use white for our bracelets. They are our little favorites.

Here is a preview of our creations:

You can also wear the moonstone in the form of a ring. Since the trend is for charm rings, you can wear your ring decorated with a small moon pearl swinging on your finger. Also, the ring set with a moonstone cabochon is also very beautiful.

Here are our 2 moonstone rings at Gemraude:

And finally, in earrings. Moon pearl earrings are ideal on the one hand for their shine but also because it is located near one of their chakras: the third eye.

At Gemraude, we opted for small hoop earrings featuring an iridescent white moon pearl.

What astrological sign does moonstone correspond to?

Moonstone is associated with several astrological signs. Among others, it is:

  • Cancer Stone
  • The Virgin's Stone
  • The Scorpio Stone
  • Capricorn Stone

Is moonstone a birthstone?

Yes, moonstone is the birthstone for the month of June. It is also said to be the life stone for those born in the month of June.

For astrology enthusiasts, Moonstone is associated with people born under the sign of Cancer.

Here is an ideal and meaningful gift idea: offer a moonstone to someone born in June.

Can a teenage girl wear moonstone?

Yes, a young girl can wear the moonstone to help her understand her first period.

This will help her to welcome this change in her body and in her life serenely. Moonstone will also help to relieve her menstrual pain.

Moonstone answers the question: How do I approach my daughter's first period?

What stones can be associated with moonstone?

Moonstone can be combined with other stones to amplify its properties.

It is often combined with labradorite to strengthen its power of protection and intuition.

It can also be combined with Carnelian to stimulate creativity and feminine energy.

Finally, it harmonizes well with amethyst to promote serenity and emotional balance. Moonstone and amethyst have a similar energy, very complementary.

Can we offer a moonstone to a loved one? What moonstone gift?

Good reasons to offer a moonstone:

Giving a moonstone gift can be considered ideal for several reasons, depending on the beliefs and symbolism associated with this particular gemstone. Here are some aspects that might make moonstone attractive as a gift:

For its symbolism of Femininity: Moonstone is often associated with feminine qualities, such as gentleness, intuition, and sensitivity. Offering a moonstone can be seen as a delicate gesture, especially if the person to whom you offer it appreciates these characteristics.

For its Lunar energy: Moonstone gets its name from its pearly sheen that resembles the light of the moon. In many cultures, the moon is linked to emotional and spiritual aspects. Gifting a moonstone could be seen as a way to transmit a calm, soothing, and intuitive energy.

For its aesthetics: Moonstone lends itself well to creating elegant and versatile jewelry. From rings to bracelets to earrings, it can be incorporated into a variety of designs, making it an aesthetically pleasing gift.

A Gift for Special Moments: Due to its association with the moon, moonstone is sometimes linked to special moments, such as wedding ceremonies or anniversaries. Gifting a moonstone on the occasion of such events can add a symbolic and memorable dimension to the gift.

It is important to note that the appeal of gifting a moonstone depends largely on the personal preferences of the person receiving the gift. Some may be enchanted by the symbolism associated with this stone, while others may simply appreciate its beauty and unique shine.

I hope this article helps you shed some light on all your questions regarding moonstone.

See you soon for an article on a new stone!

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